Year 2 Reading List

You’ll likely get a reading list from your university, as I did. I didn’t buy everything that was suggested, as my library had the more expensive items already, so I instead went out on a limb and bought some extras. Chances are, some of my suggestions will be on the list you’ll get, but either way, these books are ones that proved invaluable to me in Y2.

Note: The prices listed are those charged by the publishers. Try eBay and Amazon for earlier editions- they’re often much cheaper and not vastly different; (There are a couple of books here that I picked up for £5, as oppose to £75)..!


The ECG Made Easy by J. Hampton

£15 approx.


This one is almost guaranteed to be on your university list, but it’s worth mentioning anyway. The traces it contains to illustrate each arrhythmia are fairly unique in the textbook realm, in that they aren’t as stylise as lots of the other common options. It takes you from the absolute basics too, so you can use it right away!

150 ECG Problems by J. Hampton

£30 approx.


A partner of sorts, to Hampton’s other effort on this list is one that wouldn’t be much use on its own, but is great to test your knowledge. Some of these are REALLY tricky, too, so good luck!

Textbook of Medical Physiology by Guyton and Hall

£75 approx.


This is a great book that goes into some precise pathological detail, but also outlines basic concepts. You’ll find outlines of lots of the treatments and medications you’re going to hear mentioned during second year, too. If you can’t find a cheap copy of this book, then try to find one like it, as I certainly found it invaluable.

Bennett’s Cardiac Arrhythmias by D. Bennett

£25 approx.


This book is absolutely packed with everything you ever need to know about ECG abnormalities in your second year. It’s quite technical though, so if you do buy it (and you really should) you might find it helpful to get a similar book with more simplistic explanations, too.

Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine by E. Topol

£279 approx.


Much like Guyton’s, above, this book gives a more in depth look at clinical pathways and pathology, as oppose to just focussing on the ECG readouts. You will need all of this information come exam time. As terrifying as the price tag looks, have a shop around, and I guarantee that you’ll find one lots cheaper.

These covers depict the latest editions at the time of publishing this page. They may have changed since, however.
